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Cub Scout Pack 628
(Lone Tree, Colorado)
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A Scout's Year

Cub Scouts is a year-round activity but our most active time is during the school year.

We start our monthly Pack and Den Meetings in August.

Here are some of the main events for a Cub Scout throughout the year in our Pack.




Pack Family Camp, Popcorn Fundraiser


Rocket Launch


Holiday Party


Pinewood Derby


Blue & Gold Banquet (Crossover to AOL)


Leave No Trace


Pack Olympics


Pack Advancement Ceremony


Pack Family Camp

Popcorn Fundraiser

The annual Trails-End popcorn fundraiser doesn't just raise money for our Pack. It also gives our Scouts opportunities to practice important life skills. 
Selling Cub Scout popcorn is a great way for a Pack to earn money for its activities while teaching the boys that we earn our own way. 
Here are some of the skills that come from participating in sales: 

Goal Setting Skills

Your Cub Scout might not make the goal, but I'll bet they work hard at trying to!

Persuasion Skills

Because the popcorn is a bit on the expensive side, a Cub Scout has to be persuasive. In our pack, the Scouts are taught to say, “Would you like to support Scouting by buying some popcorn?” They're selling support of a great organization–not just some popcorn. Part of being persuasive is overcoming objections. When someone tells your child that they don't have any cash, your Scout can tell them that we can take debit and credit cards. If they don't eat popcorn, your Scout can ask them to make a military donation. When they say it's expensive, your Scout can tell them them that over 70% of the price stays in our area to support local scouting. Even if your Scout doesn't grow up to be a salesperson, persuasion skills are necessary for almost every job.

Handling Rejection Skills

Yep, those little Scouts are going to be turned down. They will knock on doors where no one is home. Sometimes at show and sells, they're going to be ignored. So, they will get a lot of practice handling rejection. When we don't sell much Cub Scout popcorn, getting upset doesn't change anything.

Perseverance Skills

Selling popcorn is a huge lesson in perseverance. If you don't sell at this house, you just go on to the next house. If that person leaving the store doesn't stop and buy, you just ask the next person. Being tenacious is important–it's what gets you through big school projects and big work projects.

Math Skills

There are so many ways to practice math with your Scout during the popcorn sale! You may have to walk them through some of these, especially if they're a younger Scout. Not only are they practicing math, they are also seeing how we use math in everyday life. Here are just a few of the calculations your child can do:
    • Add up order totals.
    • Make change.
    • Calculate how much more popcorn they need to sell to get to their goal.
    • Figure out how much they sell in an hour.
    • Divide the sales at a show and sell to determine how much credit each Cub Scout will get.
To sell popcorn online, each Cub Scout must setup an account at Trails End:
    • At the top of the page, click on "Scouts"
    • On the Scout page, choose the Sign In/Register box.
    • This will bring up the page to login or create an account.
      • If your Scout already has a Trails End Account, you may login here.
      • If you need to create an account, choose the Register option in the top right of the screen.
For New Accounts:
    • You will be asked to verify your age.
    • If you want the account created in your Scout's name, please put in your Scout's birthday and choose continue.
    • You will need to fill in some basic information about your Scout. It will ask for an email for your Scout. If they don't have one, use yours.
    • On the right hand side, you will be asked for some information to help identify the Pack.
Council: Greater Colorado
District: Black Feather
Unit: Pack 628
    • The Parent/Guardian will receive an email to approve the account. Once the account is approved you are able to login.
    • Once logged in, you will go to a page that will allow you to view orders, send emails to people, etc.


Overnight and Day Camp opportunities introduce your family to the camping experience. The Pack does two camping overnighters during the year, one in the fall and another in the summer. Camping in Cub Scouts cannot extend past 24 hours so we meet in the afternoon of day one, do activities, have dinner and a campfire program, then in the morning have breakfast and go home. 

Our District, Black Feather, offers other age based camping Day and Overnight Camps in the summer for you to participate in as well that you can sign up for directly through their website. If your child is interested in attending Day Camp in June - parents will need to volunteer to be a walking leader for the event. Parents can coordinate shifts with other parents attending; families do not have to stay for all 3 days unless they want to. Friends are welcome to register and attend, you do not have to be a registered Cub to go. This is a great opportunity to do many fun activities (Rain Gutter Regatta, Archery, Rocket Launch, etc.) it's a wonderful way to introduce new families to Scouting!

Pinewood Derby

The Pinewood Derby is the wood car racing event of Scouts BSA that many people associate with Cub Scouts. With the help of adults, Cubs build their own unpowered, unmanned miniature cars from wood, usually from kits containing a block of pine wood, plastic wheels, and metal axles. Annually, our Pack has a race before the Greater Colorado race event where children are given awards for their creations. Following our Pack Race, our Council produces their event which is open to all Cub Scouts to come and participate in. 

In December all of the Scouts are given a Pinewood Derby kit. They have about a month to turn this into a race car for our annual race in January. Cars are judged on design in a variety of categories and then they race on our electronically timed track. Full rules are distributed in December with the kits as the cars need to be of a certain weight and length, plus restricting some other competitive advantages so that everyone enjoys a fair race.

Blue & Gold Banquet

The Blue and Gold event is a tradition in Cub Scouts when families get together and enjoy a meal while celebrating their Scout's achievements in honor of Scouting's birthday. At this celebration of the anniversary of the founding of the BSA on February 8, 1910, the Webelos Den receive their 'Arrow of Light' rank and 'Cross Over' to their next step in the Scouting experience being welcomed into a Boy Scout Troop of their choice.

Arrow of Light is the ultimate award in Cub Scouting. It signifies the end of their Cub Scout journey and then they literally cross over a bridge into Scouts. This is a large ceremony and is done sometime in the early spring. There are only two Scouting awards that Scouts earn that they can wear a representative of as adult leaders, Eagle and Arrow of Light.