What is Cub Scouting? Since 1930, the Boy Scouts of America has helped younger boys through Cub Scouting. It is a year-round family program designed for boys who are in the first grade through fifth grade (or 7, 8, 9, and 10 years of age). Parents, leaders, and organizations work together to achieve the goals of Cub Scouting. At the heart of Scouting are hands-on, interactive activities. In Cub Scouts, there are opportunities to spend time as a family and to do things that help build upon the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
Why Join Cub Scouting?
Cub Scout-age children benefit developmentally from belonging to a small group of peers. Your child will be a part of a Den, a small group of Cub Scouts in the same grade level. Through this sense of belonging, children build self-esteem and learn to get along with others. In Scouting, boys and girls start with their best right now selves and grow into their very best future selves. It’s fun, hands-on learning and achievement that puts kids in the middle of the action and prepares them for today – and for life.
How Does Cub Scouting Work?
In Cub Scouting, you and your family join in on the program with your child, and you will help them along the way. Cub Scouts have a different handbook at each grade level, with adventures that are age-appropriate for their developmental level. As your child advances through these books by working on adventures, they will earn badges and other recognition that they wear on their uniform. As your child grows in Cub Scouting, your role will change with them, from hands-on involvement to guiding and coaching. Your child’s success in Cub Scouting depends on you.
How Scouting is Organized
The Cub Scouting program takes place at two levels. Your child will be a part of a Den, a small group of Cub Scouts in the same grade level. A Den typically meets once a month, although some may meet more often. All Dens, from kindergarten through fifth grade, make up our Pack. Once a month, the Dens, with their families, come together at the Pack meeting and Cub Scouts are recognized for the adventures and badges they have earned.
Your child is a member of a Den. - Dens meets once per month (August thru May).
- Den Meetings have games, crafts, songs and ceremonies, all centered around the Rank Handbook.
Dens make up the Pack. - The Pack meets once per month (August thru May).
- Pack Meetings may include a theme with games, songs, awards and entertainment.
The Pack is run by the Parent’s Committee. - The Committee is made up of Parents, Den Leaders and other adult volunteers, overseen by the Committee Chairman; it meets monthly.
- The Committee selects and approves leadership, manages finances and plans the program.
The Pack is sponsored by a Chartered Organization. - Pack 628 is sponsored by the Parents of 628 which is a non-profit who sponsors both our Cub Scout and our Boy Scout Troop.
The Pack is Overseen by the Greater Colorado Council. - Pack 628 is in the Highlands Ranch District of the Greater Colorado Council.
- The Council does not provide service directly to Scouts, rather it offers a program to leadership providing a number of common resources for all Packs in a specific geographic area. Some services include camp facilities, day camp programs, materials, equipment, etc.
Family Responsibilities
Cub Scouting gives families an opportunity to spend quality time together. It is the Leader's role to provide interest, skill and time in developing a good program. The family provides help and support for the Den and Pack. Families can help in many different ways, which may vary from family to family, depending upon family structures and other family responsibilities. Some of the examples of family involvement include: - Working with their Cub Scout on achievements and electives.
- Attending the Pack meetings with their Cub Scout.
- Helping at occasional Den meetings on a specific project or an activity.
- Providing refreshments.
- Providing transportation.
- Assisting with the Den outings.
Cub Scout Conduct
A Cub Scout is expected to behave themself at all meetings and outings. Disruptive behavior, fighting, and use of bad language are some examples of behavior which will not be tolerated at Den Meetings, Pack Meetings or Outings. On those rare occasions when discipline is necessary, the following action will be taken: - Verbal Reprimand: The Den Leader or Assistant will take the child out of the activity (not out of the room) and talk with them about what they have done wrong. The child will then rejoin the activity.
- Time Out: The child will again be taken out of the activity and spoken to but he or she will not be allowed to rejoin the group or complete the particular project or activity. The child can rejoin when they move on to the next activity.
- Call the Parent: If the child does not correct the behavior, their parents will be asked to take them home. If the parent is present, they will be asked to leave with their child immediately. If a parent is not present, their child will call them.
Conflict Resolution
If, at any time during the Scout year, a parent feels there is a problem within the Den, the following steps should be taken: - If possible, discuss the problem with the person(s) involved. If it is another person in the Den, contact the Den Leader first.
- If the problem is with the Den Leader or Assistant Den Leader, meet with that person if at all possible.
- If the problem is not resolved, or if you are not comfortable talking with the Den Leader or Assistant(s), contact the Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmaster, or Pack Committee Chair. Whenever possible, a meeting of all parties involved will be held in order to resolve the issue.
EAR stands for Express, Address, Resolve - Express: Each person should be given the opportunity to tell their side and express how they view the situation. Equal time is given to all sides and no jumping to conclusions or prejudging should happen.
- Address: After listening to the involved parties, the leader voices the concerns so everyone understands the issues to be resolved. This ensures everyone is trying to work through the same problem, even though from different views. Acceptable changes to the situation that will ease concerns are discussed.
- Resolve: A plan evolves that will effectively resolve the conflict. This may be an obvious decision or may require each party giving up something to meet a compromise for complex issues. The leader needs to work so each side feels as good as possible about the solution.