Pack 628's
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Cub Scout Pack 628
(Lone Tree, Colorado)
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Enjoy hiking, camping, and getting together with your friends!
Are you a boy or a girl in Kindergarten through 5th grade and looking for fun?

Cub Scouts is looking for you!

We are a non-profit organization chartered with Boy Scouts of America Greater Colorado Council in the Black Feather District.
We have children from Acres Green, Eagle Ridge, Lone Tree Elementary, Fox Creek and Wildcat Mountain Elementary schools in our Pack.

Pack 628 is committed to making Scouting available to every interested child;
scholarships are available for any boy or girl that wants to participate in Cub Scouts.

1.       Fill out an official Boy Scouts of America Youth Application online

2.       If this is your first year in our Pack you will pay your registration fee directly to BSA when registering online to join Scouts. The national registration fee is $105*
This includes a one-time joining fee of $25 and an annual fee of $80. If you register at the start of the calendar year (January), you will pay for the entire $100; if you join any time during the year outside of January, you will pay a pro-rated amount for the remainder of your calendar year.
3.       Visit the Denver Scout Shop and purchase a Class A uniform shirt as soon as possible. We are a “waist up” Pack, which means that we require all Cubs to have the Scout shirt with patches, belt, rank specific hat, neckerchief, tie slide and book.
4.       Meet with your Cub Master, Den Leader(s) and talk with the parents in your Den!

*Price subject to change.